For as long as I’ve owned Levi, she has always had white walls. I’ve placed a wanted ad looking for vintage 20” balloon tires for Bluey with no avail. So shopping online, I decided to purchase new white wall tires with Goodyear tread design. At the Rolling Relics Alameda ride end of August, I picked up some really cool white walls from a friend, that classic aged yellowing of the white wall, Allstate Safety Tread tires, in pretty decent shape very subtle rubber condition. He said these tires came originally from his 30s Columbia, which he brought to the SF ride. I thought maybe we could use these on Levi replacing the current white wall tires. After install, they are definitely larger than most filling in the fender opening nicely. These tires are awesome and rode comfortably well too, not to mention they have great aged appeal.
Then recently, I had a few of my old bikes with drop stands lined up (no picture unfortunately), and other than Levi, the rest of the bikes wore vintage black wall tires. Levi seemed out of place, so I asked myself, “How would Levi look with blackwall tires since I’ve never seen her otherwise?” And since I’m more of a blackwall tire fan anyway, I went ahead and replaced them with same brand and model tires, Allstate Safety Tread, but in blackwall. Ah man, I love the look even more. Gives her more of an attitude I thought, so blackwall tires stays.
Now that Levi has blackwall tires, the new whitewall 20” tires are no longer needed. Back online and found these blackwall tires, slick design but with 2 grooves, one on the each side, not quite the same as the 4 grooves on the Allstate Safety Tread, but close enough. “This would work,” I told myself. So I ordered them. Well they arrived. Excited to see what they look like, opened the package and so far so good. But once I put my hand on the tires, I had a funny feeling something wasn’t right. These seem smaller than the standard balloon sized tires. Double checked and they do read 20 x 2.125 on the sidewall. Went ahead and installed the new tires, and I felt this wasn’t what I had hoped, felt like a middle weight. Mocked the rear wheel just hanging in place since the rear hub didn’t have the guts setup yet, and I can see so much space within the fender opening and tires. Didn’t like it. So disappointed, these new tires will not cut it for me. I thought now, I really need to find original vintage Made in the USA 20” balloon tires for Bluey.
Look how much more these tires fill in the fender opening.
These white wall Allstate Safety tires do look pretty cool on Levi...
...but the black wall Allstate tires gives her more attitude IMO.
Vintage Allstate Safety tread pattern
New slicks that supposedly are 20 x 2.125. Not so
I inquired last week with
@my560sec. Ed knew I was looking for 20” balloon tires, and on the last day he was at ML, he found an NOS set for me. I’ll take anything vintage 20” balloons at this point. Already on its way, and hoping they will arrive by this weekend.
These NOS 20" tires are going to look great on Bluey. Can't wait to get them. Thanks much Ed.