Enjoying my 37 Colson Commander
Seriously this has been a project for about 5yrs now. Ive collected deluxe parts for it the best I could. I have grill that is in the hands of professional who has been slowly welding the breaks and cracks. A very delicate procedure... one bad mistake or the wrong environment... "poof" no more grill and there is not enough of them to go around or to even find. So anyways I ve posted this bike a few times and it has over time transformed with different parts and always trying to decide what route to take... I will probably never restore this bike and most likely keep this rough. So finding the right patina to fit the bike is a slow process. I have toyed with aluminum fenders which I have but they are not quite right meaning not 39 there from an earlier Colson. So today I just put steel fenders and finally mounted the NOS rear Delta Guard rear light... Now this light even though it was in a box all of its life has its fair share of issues, for some reason the plastic has somewhat melted and warped and the box just smells like glues from another era. Not much I can do about nor anyone else who happens to have one a these NOS in the box lights is in the same situation, there all like this from what I understand, so why not use it on a unrestored bike. Plus I really didn't want to ruin a really really nice set of alum fenders if aim not sure they going to stay on this bike by drilling holes for the light. This will give you an idea what this model could or should look like. 1939 Colson Imperial deluxe, there are so little or few of these models out there. Feel really lucky to have this one and all the rare Colsons i have had and still have. Which are all in project land it seems forever... I have a ways to go with this one. Eventually I will find a nice worn patinad wheels set with a front ND break and peel this restore with front NOS brake off for another project. The last photo is with the alum fenders and original guard. I would love to find a pair of somewhat beat up 1939 deluxe Alum for a Colson mud guards with the correct braces and front headlight stamp. Someday unless you have a set
Thanks for looking and reading.
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