Just when I thought that everyone on theCABE were kind and gentle souls, who had found true enlighenment, peace, and universal harmony through rusty old bicycles - or else smoked a lot of dope - then it turns out that y'all are no better than me. And I had tried so hard not to be the oppositional, grumpy, crude, person that I've been accused of being by such people as my wife, family, and friends... I guess I no longer have to keep up the pretense of a nice person.
Seems like all of them are pretty rare. But, I readily admit I have no knowledge or expertise in this realm of the vintage world. I got lucky in finding something of value when cleaning out the trash that someone left in my basement 40 years ago. I do think I've gained a fair amount of knowledge in 5 days...especially for being 70 years old.......excuse me. Someone is calling on my TV remote again....