I live for the CABE
Hi All,
The recent discussion about the number of First Pattern BSA Paratrooper bikes made has shown how little knowledge of the Fisrt and Second type BSA exist.
Other than the Serial Number list compiled by Captain Stevens, which he admits is years out of date, there is almost no detailed information out there.
I intend for this to be a listing of First Pattern BSA's, (twin saddle stem tubes) and have set up a similar page for Second Pattern BSA's.
Images Credit : The Online Bicycle Museum
If you'd like to contribute, please post at least a photo of the bike, the Serial Number, , web link and location (if possible), and any other details you may have. There are bound to be duplications occasionally, but that's not a problem. I'll record what I can, and publish it here from time to time in the same way I do the Columbia anf Huffman G519 details.
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards,
The recent discussion about the number of First Pattern BSA Paratrooper bikes made has shown how little knowledge of the Fisrt and Second type BSA exist.
Worth of Original Pattern One Folding Bicycle | Military Bicycles
I have the exact bike in these photos. i got bike after it was documented. It is a Pattern One bike. Any help on value would be appreciated. Located in the US.
Other than the Serial Number list compiled by Captain Stevens, which he admits is years out of date, there is almost no detailed information out there.
I intend for this to be a listing of First Pattern BSA's, (twin saddle stem tubes) and have set up a similar page for Second Pattern BSA's.
Second Pattern BSA Paratrooper Bicycle Register | Military Bicycles
Hi All, To go alongside the register I'm compiling of First Pattern BSA Paratrooper bikes here: I am compiling a list of Second type BSA's in existance, to try to expand the knowledge base on them. Other...
Images Credit : The Online Bicycle Museum
If you'd like to contribute, please post at least a photo of the bike, the Serial Number, , web link and location (if possible), and any other details you may have. There are bound to be duplications occasionally, but that's not a problem. I'll record what I can, and publish it here from time to time in the same way I do the Columbia anf Huffman G519 details.
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards,
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