Wards Guy..
I live for the CABE
In my first shop class I learned how to weld enough to bond metal in a bubble gum fashion. The teacher said be creative so I dreamed up a pedal car. Found 2 similar bicycles and welded them side by side. Made a tie rod type setup for the steering. It was my cycle truck before I ever knew one existed 30 years later. Built the canopy with a conduit bender and wrapped it with vynil and contact cement!!! Made a wood bench seat and wrapped it!! I am the tall clown in the pic, used it in the fair parade and won first prize. Unfortunately the only pic I have of this bike. Also took it to an industrial arts fair and was interviewed on local tv for my creative build by a newscaster. Sold it for $50 when I was a freshman and would love to see it again someday but know it was scrapped. Old pic makes me smile.