Finally riding a big boys bike
So I have recently acquired a 1965 stingray super deluxe that is all original and am in the process of cleaning everything. The entire bike was disassembled and all chrome has been cleaned, tires cleaned, seat cleaned etc. I have been waiting on the paint because I don’t want to screw it up. Any tips on best way to approach it? There are some rust spots so does anyone have a tip on getting rid of them without doing too much damage to the paint? Last the chain guard which I know will have to be handled with the most care but obviously don’t want to leave it as is…..assuming I should use steel or bronze wool and wd-40 but obviously carefully staying away from the lettering and then q-tips for the paint in between lettering? Any suggestions on how I can get this thing shining again would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to anyone In advanced that can help! Also another shout out to 60sstuff who has already helped me greatly with all the other parts and many cleaning tips so far! Also before everyone bites my head off the slight swipe mark on the “ray” was already there when I got the bike! I know better… learned the hard way with a different bike lol
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