This is, or was, a Schwinn Cruiser 5 that I got for cleaning up my neighbor's overgrown back yard. It was black, the wheels were missing, and I had to cut down a small tree that had grown up through the frame to get it off the property. I got to stripping it all down to bare metal and then I cut the frame into pieces. After drawing on a sheet of plywood using the frame parts I filled the gaps with parts from another cruiser and welded everything together. This is my design and it fit me perfectly. A larger person could also ride it because the seat goes up and away from the pedals as needed. The rear wheel I laced up using 2 24" alloy rims bolted together and a Sturmey Archer disk brake 3-speed hub. An alloy 27" road wheel was used on the custom springer type front fork. The project took me about 6 months and I put over a thousand miles on it before I sold it. The first of many that I put together over the next ten years. If it ever turned up for sale, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it back. Thanks for looking and reading my story.
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