Riding Miles; Collecting Smiles
It's a matter of wording. If you go by that statement Iver started manufacturing bicycles in 1883 and firearms in 1871. Pope was making Columbias in Hartford by 1878 which predates Iver Johnson bicycles by 5 years. The Iver Johnson company though, starting in 1871 predates Pope Mfg Co., founded in 1877 by 6 years. Iver was not the oldest bicycle manufacturer in the US, they may have been the oldest manufacturer that was making bicycles in the US though.
Even Pope played with words. They claimed to be "America's first bicycle since 1877" In 1877 they were importing bicycles. Even with that there certainly were other bicycles made in America prior to 1877 but none that were mass produced. None turned into a company with a lasting presence.

Who is the Oldest Bicycle Manufacturer in the United States | General Discussion About Old Bicycles
Hi Cabers, While looking through "Krautwaggen's" database of Iver Johnson catalogs in the "Iver Johnson - Solid and Stolid; A gathering place for dating IJ bicycles" thread I came across an interesting statement that I was not aware of. On page 4 of the 1908 Iver Johnson catalog it reads: "We...

"All Columbias are Westfield; but not all Westfields are Columbias."
From 1878 to at least 1909 all Columbia's were made in the Hartford Ct plant. during the early 1900's when pope had both plants in production the Westfield plant made Pope owned non-Columbia brands like CLeveland and Westfield.