Forget putting any work or parts [tires ] on that bike. You won't increase the value of it and will most likely lower the value. If that badge was on that bike when you got it, do not remove anything else and make no attempt to clean it up, in any way. Bike collectors like their "barn fresh" bikes exactly as found. To get top $ for it, try selling it here first. Being you are a member, selling it here is free, unlike eBay. You will be exposed to the most antique bike collectors, right here. Downside is there's a good chance you will have to ship the bike. Many bicycle shops will box up the bike for shipping for you. Some bike shops may even arrange shipping for you. Of course, you will charge the buyer for any shipping. If you don't want to go thru the hassle of shipping, advertise it 'pick up only." Pre-war Schwinns like yours are popular, but common, especially when parts are missing. Good luck.