I was barely a spark in my used parts dealers eye when this thread was started, but by now, that I've grown into the obsessive pia I am now, I know the answer to his ill fated question.
Those who have no interest in what folks might call a hobby are further back on the evolutionary scale. Whether it's dog shows, cars, bikes, electronics, art... whatever, us folks focus and gather information. We are "can-doers". These things we obsess on place us in the middle of ancillary areas to where we also know about things on the edge and surrounding fields.
Hard to tell sometimes, but we are smarter. And rarely back away from a challenge.
Those that don't have our affliction muddle through their lives hating their jobs and having to pay other people like us to do things for them. They plan their next smile and eat cold, expensive food delivered to their door.
Hobby's are important to developing a complete psyche. Those that have no Hobby's or interests past money and power are dolts that pander and scheme.... While we fix their stuff and come up with better mouse traps.
Our esteemed OP has either figured that out by now or is probably an influencer for a vegetable butter brand on YouTube while scheming for money to brighten his teeth.
This is actually a "End in site" issue. Nothing on the Internet is a hobby or can really teach skill or focus worthwhile. Try learning to swim, skydive or weld on the internet. Several generations are being wasted right now.
Tore his sack? ...As if he had a sack to tear.
Sack up, Get a hobby.