I'm the Wiz, and nobody beats me!
Interesting! Did you try lighting it up with just a regular bulb? If they were used for advertising, I wonder if white headlights would make it look like a white reflection.Found some info on the cat eyes I acquired. The flexible string of grommeted together cat eyes was patented in 1938 by the Western Cataphote Corp. of Toledo, OH. The flexible strip could be used by sign makers to trace the letters on signs and make them reflective.
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I was able to push the cat eye out of one of the mounts and cleaned it up. The back of it was silvered and there was a layer of some kind of cement like stuff between the back and the soft metal backer cap. All the cement and most of the silvering washed off when I cleaned it, which is fine since I’m trying to illuminate it.
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Nice to see more of the glass lit up. The shape is really close to the image I posted above from the road signs website.
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I still don't get why people used uranium glass in some reflectors. What advantage would there be over regular glass? It's not like everyone in the 1930s had UV lights on their cars. ??
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Cataphote Corp print ads for sale on eBy.
I had a friend in the early 70s that I heard years later made a fortune when he patented a new reflector that was used at airports. I don’t know where to look up patents but his name is Steve Palmer.