Let me get this right. The seller lied, misrepresented and most likely even created some of the problems with this bike, says he is an "expert" and should be trusted on his word as such, but in the end the buyer is the one at fault?
Come on guys!
This self proclaimed "expert" obviously is one of two things.
A Lying con artist who uses his "expert" status to pass off crappy bikes he dug out of garages, basements, or flower gardens and maybe washed them off, looked at them for a while and said to himself "I bet I can rook some eager to buy sucker (no offense to the OP meant) for a grand on this!
A lying snake who took a piece of crap or a pile of crappy parts and dressed them up with a little paint and stuck them in his "collection for a while to say he owned one. Then he shot glamor photos to hide his work and put the bike out for sale as part of a "Collection Reduction" sale.
Then along comes the OP, eager to buy a bike to relive his childhood for a few moments at a time. He sees this bike for sale on of all places, THE CABE!!!!!
I thought we were a close knot group of guys trying to help each other out, share a love for a part of our lives no matter what bike we ride or love, and yes, sell some parts and bikes in Classifieds.
It should go without saying that those parts and bikes should be what we say they are to the best of our knowledge and abilities.
If this MEMBER is indeed an "EXPERT" as he claims, he knew what a piece of crap the bike was and maliciously covered it up by shooting the best glamor poses he could of the bike.
Not showing the rip in the seat? The bent crank and pedal? The horrible paint job made apparent by the big white spot (that was the crap coming through) and the elementary school grade rim painting and pinstripe job?
These are things that an amateur buyer would (and did by the words of the OP) notice with a 5 minutes or less examination of the bike.
So what do I here about this? Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like the seller is getting a pass on his complete fraudulent non-disclosure of the condition of the bike and the buyer is being spanked for his inability to see the flaws in those glamor shots, and for succumbing to some of the oldest USED CAR SALESMAN AND TELEMARKETER tricks like "Act now"! Don't wait"! Don't think about it or you will miss out"! "I am the expert and you are the layman"! (Wait, that sounds more like a Doctor.)
To top it off, the buyer cannot post these photos with the sellers name and a post titled "Buyer Beware"?
This forum is huge and I guess there will always be disreputable "USED BIKE SALESMEN" so I fail to see why the forum doesn't have a "BUYER BEWARE" thread and ban sellers like this for life! Other forums I am a member of do this.
I will only do PayPal F&F with people I get a good feeling about. I understand the new screwing our government is giving us on sales over $600 being reported to the IRS.
But if I haven't bought from a seller before, or have excellent photos and full disclosure and honesty from the seller they will either take PayPal goods and services or find another buyer to scam.
I will say I have had good luck with the sellers I have bought from so far and will buy from them on their preferred payment method. A seller I have never bought from had better be nice, honest and show me the damage, not just the dazzle.
To summarize, I am with the buyer 200% on this believeI believe all of us should feel outraged and these sellers should be outed and banned for life!
My name is Rob and I support this message.