mike cates
Cruisin' on my Bluebird
Thanks for the knowledge on Lignum Vitae (Iron Wood). It is tough and is used for large machinery spindle bearings and also in the pillow blocks of propeller shafts on large ships. It stays tough and resists heat and friction and can be lubed with oil.
Ipe (pronounced: "ee-pay") is also a tough wood used for outdoor decking.
Both of these woods are oily by nature lending themselves well for anti friction purposes.
Cutting the tougher woods requires carbide tipped tools and high speed and cobalt steel, even if they are TiNi coated, will burn up because the friction to cut these woods is so great. Solid carbide drill bits work best for drilling holes in these woods.
Mike Cates, CA.
Thanks for the knowledge on Lignum Vitae (Iron Wood). It is tough and is used for large machinery spindle bearings and also in the pillow blocks of propeller shafts on large ships. It stays tough and resists heat and friction and can be lubed with oil.
Ipe (pronounced: "ee-pay") is also a tough wood used for outdoor decking.
Both of these woods are oily by nature lending themselves well for anti friction purposes.
Cutting the tougher woods requires carbide tipped tools and high speed and cobalt steel, even if they are TiNi coated, will burn up because the friction to cut these woods is so great. Solid carbide drill bits work best for drilling holes in these woods.
Mike Cates, CA.
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