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Let’s see some late 70’s/early 80’s Cruisers and Spitfires

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May be lighter with cheaper/thinner steel but frame quality took a big dive as soon as the left Chicago, started with the Schmurray's collboration in 83 and downhill from there!
Taiwan made Schwinns put American made Schwinn out of business.

US Schwinn workers went on strike demanding the same wages as union auto workers.

Production was transferred to Taiwan. (Giant)

Giant learned everything they could about the industry and built a better bike..
for awhile
Up until production quality decreased over the years,
but early Giants and other Taiwan made bikes like the mid to late 70s Raleighs & SCHWINNS ARE SUPER WELL MADE AND INDESTRUCTABLE. They put great effort in to building great frames to overtake the market (1980 - 1990)

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laugh all you want. Is schwinn still in business or giant?
mic drop

oh yeah
and giant is the number one bike company in the world over trek

your laugh emoji shows your arrogance and ignorance
two traits Americans are famous for, sadly
Schwinn's anti labor policies & greed doomed them way before they went overseas, Giants cheap labor was a last ditch effort for Schwinn to survive, SchMurray weren't bad but quality never compared and fell further from there, Schwinn not having as much control of parts/suppliers led to more problems rims, hubs, necks etc. just didn't stand up, being around the business and owning & riding a lot of both, Chicago Schwinn would last a couple yrs of hard riding as for Taiwan were brought back in months!, there was a reason Schwinn could guarantee their for for all those years of abuse.
early Giant made Taiwan Schwinns & Raleighs are just as good, (1975 - 1985) I stand by my comment.. my opinion only of course
I've had really good Giant bikes over the yrs but late 80's Schwinn cruiser's weren't some of them, I think even at the time Schwinn didn't pay Giant for a quality bike.